We are in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Covid - 19 is a severe acute respiratory related virus that has swept across the globe causing unimaginable sickness and fatalities. It has affected all our communities.
But did you know that people who suffer from periodontitis are more likely to be hospitalised or die from Covid -19? A new study has in fact shown that people with gum disease are 9 times more likely to die of Covid-19 and 3.5 times more likely to need admission to ICU and 4.5 times more likely to need assistance from a ventilator if admitted to hospital.
Periodontitis is one of the most prevalent, inflammatory diseases. It is estimated that 50% of adult populations suffers from mild-moderate periodontitis and 10% of the adult population suffers from moderate to severe periodontitis. This means that periodontitis is the 6th most prevalent condition affecting humans.
Periodontitis leads to loss of gum attachment to teeth, bone loss and eventual loss of teeth if left untreated.
Many of the risk factors in Covid-19 are similar to those in patient who suffer from severe reactions to Covid-19.
It is thought that systemic inflammation is the cause of the link between gum disease and Covid-19 . When you have gum disease, there is an increase in bacteria and microbes in your mouth, which can cause the an exaggerated response in your immune system . These are the protective proteins responsible for the "cytokine storm" which is an overreaction in the bodies' immune response thought to be responsible of deadly inflammation throughout the body . Gum disease may not cause the cytokine storm, but certainly contributes to it.
If you think you may have gum disease or have a family history, we would advise at Northumberland Dental Care, to make an appointment with our team , where we have a gum specialist, dentists and hygienist , who will ensure the best of care for your gums.
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