We've all been there or we have heard someone talking about it. We go to bite into our lunch roll and all of a sudden- Crack! A big chunk of tooth tumbles unceremoniously into your mouth. You look in disbelief at the white or black thing in your hand wondering- is this food? Is this part of my tooth? Is this a filling? Fear not, this is what we dentists do best, fill/crown or sometimes extract broken teeth to restore your mouth to full function.
Most of the damage done to teeth actually happens at night time when we clench or grind, but that for a different blog- but wear you nightguards people!
Here is out list of the top offending foods that break your teeth.
8. Wasabi Beans
These little critters, are designed to be crunched. Their small size means that the nestle well into the small groves of teeth sometimes causing them to break- watch out!

7. Toffees
We all love a good hard sweet or toffee. Opening that box of Roses or Quality Street at Christmas, blissfully unaware that it may lead to the demise of one of your beloved teeth! Is it worth it-some would say yes!

6. Almonds and Other nuts
This one is an obvious offender! Hard and crunchy, they do our teeth no favours

5. Pork Crackling
An all time favourite when you are down the pub, but pork crackling is hard and crunchy and unbelievably hard on teeth
4. Multi-grained bread
The seeds and grains in some breads are small enough to get stuck in the nooks and crannies of your teeth and cause breakages, so be warned! Another offender in this catefories are french bagettes!

3. Ice
For some reason, many people love chewing ice! Yeah, I can't quite figure that one out myself, but if you are lover, be careful!

2. Pitted Olives
Beware of olives with hard stones!

Drumroll please...........
Yes, our beloved popcorn, who would have thought! I think all of us have had an unfortunate run in with popcorn but have lived to tell the tale! Rummaging around your bag of popcorn in the dark cinema, eating your favourite snack , it can all happen so quickly!

Never fear, if you have a broken tooth, most likely it can be filled or crowned by your dentist. For an queries, call our dentist Dr Jennifer Collins on 016688441 or email www.nidm.ie, info@nidm.ie