Firstly, if you are reading this, I am presuming that you are one of the "lucky" people that has the Corona Virus but also is well enough to care for your teeth and gums.
Here are my top tips to help you look after your mouth while you are recovering from the Corona Virus ...
Change your toothbrush every week
This is very important for people who have tested positive for the Corona virus. A new toothbrush will ensure that you are not introducing old virus particles to your mouth while you are in the recovery phase

Use a hydrogen peroxide mouth wash
Hydrogen peroxide has been proven to kill the Corona Virus. Use a hydrogen peroxide mouth wash daily , like Colgate Peroxyl Mouthwash to help clean your mouth and aid your recovery.

Use tepe brushes and avoid flossing
Flossing your teeth can cause particles from your oral cavity to contaminate the air and nearby surfaces , thereby increasing the risk of cross contamination. Use tepe brushes in the short term to help cleanse the gums in between your teeth.

Whiten your teeth
Now is a great time to whiten your teeth if you have the whitening kit already. The bleaching gel is made up of different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, which as I mentioned previously can kill the Corona Virus. So not only will you be improving the shade of your teeth, but also will help you on your way to a full recovery!

Lastly, we look forward to welcoming you back to Northumberland Dental Care and wish you speedy recovery. We are hoping to open our doors on Monday, 18th of May. Best wishes and stay well.