A luminous, bright white smile, is the stuff that dreams are made of. People with whiter teeth are perceived as more socially competent, smarter, more satisfied in their relationship and more psychologically adjusted according to one study. Another study, proved that a white smile may lead to more success in both our professional and private lives.
Although going to your dentist to have your teeth whitened is a very safe and effective way to get long lasting white teeth, many people do not like the use of chemicals on their teeth.
More and more people are turning to natural remedies to help whiten their pearly whites at home.
Here are my best tips for whitening your teeth naturally at home!
1. Chose foods and drinks that will whiten your teeth. Cheese is an important food for maintaining white, healthy teeth. According to the American Academy of Cosmetic dentistry, lactic acid in cheese protects against tooth decay. Calcium in cheese and other dairy products also are necessary in keeping our teeth strong and healthy. Chewing hard cheese also increased saliva flow helps teeth stay healthy. Strawberries: Strawberries contain malic acid and ellagitannins, which are antioxidants that help reduce stain attracting bacteria and gum inflammation. Vitamin C in strawberries help prevent gum inflammation also. Mixing mashed strawberries and baking soda and water into a paste, is an excellent material to use to help keep your teeth clean and white. Malic acid also works as a natural astringent dissolving surface stains on teeth .

Pineapple; pineapple contains bromelain, an anti-inflammatory with cleaning properties. According to a study in the Journal of Dental Hygiene, bromelain is an effective ingredient in stain removing toothpastes.

Raw vegetables; Raw vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower are high in fibre and the chewing of these vegetables helps plaque removal acting as a natural exfoliator. The chewing action in the mouth also increases saliva in the mouth, further helping to clean your teeth.

2. Practice Oil Pulling; Coconut oil is high in lauric acid and is an excellent oil to practice oil pulling. Coconut oil, when used with the oil pulling techniques, forms a protective layer over your teeth, helping them to whiten and stay clean. Oil pulling is an ancient ayurvedic therapy which originated in the East thousands of years ago. It involves the swishing around of oil (sesame, coconut or sunflower) in the mouth for approx. 15-20 minutes, then spitting it out. If done correctly, the viscous oil will become milky white and thinner. It is important to note, the oil is not swallowed as it will contain bacteria and toxins. It is believed by many, to reduce the risk of tooth decay, bad breath, bleeding gums, dry throat, cracked lips and appears to make the teeth whiter.

3. Brush your teeth with baking soda; Baking soda has long been lauded as an excellent, natural, cost effective substance which whiten teeth by removing stains due to its mildly abrasive effect. Toothpastes containin baking soda also have been proven to be very effective at removing yellow stains from teeth. Mixing a small amount of baking soda with water and using the paste while brushing your teeth does wonders to remove stains and make your teeth look whiter and cleaner.

4. Use Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide is a natural bleaching agents that kills bacteria in the mouth . It is currently being used to disinfect surfaces and helping the fight against Corona Virus/Covid-19. A whitening toothpaste or mouthwash containing Hydrogen Peroxide is an excellent way to not only kill Corona virus/Covid-10 virus particles in the mouth, but also to whitening your teeth! Colgate Peroxyl Mouthwash contains hydrogen peroxide and is safe to use daily . Spolight whitening toothpaste contains hydrogen peroxide and also flouride, to safely whitening your teeth while not damaging them!

5. Use Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid which is a natural disinfectant and tooth whitening. As acetic acid can potentiallly erode tooth enamel over long term use, it is recommended to use apple cider vinegar occasionaly. To make a mouthrinse, mix apple cider vinegar with water and swish around your mouth for 1-2 minutes. Rinse out your mouth with plain water after. To make a homemade tooth whitening pase, mix baking soda with apple cider vinegar and use to brush your teeth with.
Don't underestimate the value of brushing your teeth with fluoridated toothpaste twice a day and flossing! Use an electric toothbrush for best results. One of the best electric toothbrushes on the market right now is the Spotlight Sonic Brush which will leave your teeth looking and feeling really clean and white!
For more information , you can contact Dr Jennifer Collins at Northumberland Dental Care, www.nidm.ie, call ; 016688441
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