The answer is simply- no! Tooth whitening does no damage to your teeth and although it can make them sensitive, the sensitivity is temporary and there are many ways your dentist can safely whitening your teeth with little to no sensitivity.
Apart from using natural at home remedies, the best place to get your teeth whitened as at your dentist!

Professional Teeth Whitening Is More Reliable for Patients
In today’s marketplace, you can go to the store or even head online and buy teeth whitening strips or another at-home system. However, over-the-counter teeth bleaching products do not deliver the reliability or results of professional teeth whitening services.
What is the difference? An important one is that all teeth whitening solutions offered by Dr Jennifer Collins have undergone rigorous testing. This ensures that each system is not only dependable but also safe. Over-the-counter teeth whiteners may harm your teeth and gums because they are not adjusted to your personal needs.
Additionally, professional teeth whitening products are stronger than over-the-counter ones.
In other words, going to your dentist for teeth whitening just makes more sense. Saving time and money while getting amazing, beautiful outcomes is always preferable to taking a chance and wasting your resources.
Laser Tooth Whitening

What to Expect from Teeth Whitening
When you come for your teeth whitening appointment at our comfortable, service-focused practice, Dr Jennifer Collins will prepare you for the experience. For the first appointment, after the initial assessment she decides whether or not your are a suitable candidate ( a healthy, caries - free mouth is a must). Impressions are taken of your teeth. This is a quick , painless experience that takes about 15 minutes. These impressions are sent to our lab technician where custom made whitening trays are made to fit your teeth perfectly! Dr Collins takes photos as a point of reference for your chart. Your second appointment, involves the fitting of the trays and the distribution of 16% carbamide peroxide gels. Instructions of use are given. A review apt is scheduled for 2-3 weeks late to ensure satisfaction with the result. Thankfully , people are generally very happy with their result! Photos are taken also at this appointment!

Long-Term Positive Effects of Teeth Whitening
Many people are surprised by how different they feel after undergoing a professional teeth whitening procedure with Dr Jennifer Collins. Not only will your teeth look much cleaner, but you may find that you feel more outgoing and confident in social situations. This is a natural outcome of being more satisfied with the way you look when you smile or talk.
To help you maintain your new appearance and enjoy the results for as long as possible, we suggest "topping up" your whitening yearly. your overnight whitening kit will help you keep your gleaming smile from staining and can be comfortably worn while watching television, surfing the Internet, cleaning the dishes, making a meal, or performing any other domestic task. That way, you can get brilliance without fussing with over-the-counter products that simply do not work well.
Keeping Your Smile Whiter Month After Month
When have a smile that gets you compliments, you want to keep it that way. Some of the easiest ways to maintain the look of your whiter teeth include:
Brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice a day. You may want to carry a toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste with you so you can brush after eating staining foods and beverages. These can include blueberries, red wine, and coffee.
Eating a wide range of healthier foods, including lots of vegetables and fruits. Crunchy choices such as celery, carrots, and apples can naturally clean off debris from your teeth. Drinking green tea has also been shown to help reduce bacterial build-up in and around the teeth and gums.
Getting any dental issues treated immediately. The faster you work with a dentist when you have a problem or potential problem, the more likely you will be to keep your smile looking fantastic. #dentalcareireland#northumberlanddentalcare#oralhygiene#sugar#sugarytreats#toothbrushing#flouride#sweets#dentist#dentistdublin#dentistdublin4#diet#healthydiet#gumdisease#gingivitis#periodontitis #toothwhitening #sensitivity