With our children going back to school after a summer of fun and icecream, we all know it can be difficult to limit their sugar intake, especially with the start of playdates and all the treats that they bring!
Here are some tips to help protect your children's teeth from the "back to school" onslaught.

If you can see it, brush it!
Brushing their teeth twice a day is very important to maintain good oral health for your child. We are now advised as dentists to encourage children to use mint toothpaste rather than flavored toothpaste to help child get used to the flavor of the mint, which they often call "spicy!". Children over the age of 2 can use adult toothpaste ( check the label on your toothpaste if you are unsure), so there is no need to buy special, children's flavoured toothpaste which often come at a high price. Use a pea-size amount only and help your child navigate around all the teeth in the mouth with their toothbrush to ensure they are all cleaned properly. Try and spend about 2 minutes a day on their brushing. Your child should spit out as much of the toothpaste from the mouth as possible, but make sure they don't rinse out the mouth after with water! This will only rinse the fluoride away from teeth when it could be strengthening them.

Avoid sugary treats in lunchboxes
Be mindful of sugary treats, or foods with hidden sugars when preparing your child's lunchbox. If you child prepares their own lunch (go you!), ensure that they limit the amount of sugary snacks, especially foods like raisins or high sugar yogurts. Always read the sugar content on the label of food .

Drink water!
The best drinks for your child are milk and water. Give you child a drink of water to wash down their food, this will help rinse away plaque , bacteria and debris. Also fluoride in water will help strengthen their teeth. Avoid fizzy drinks which are laden with sugar and acid. A 500ml bottle of a well known fizzy drinks contains 10 teaspoons of sugar! Cordials are also not recommended. Always remember, " no added sugar" doesn't mean "sugar free" !
Give them foods that will clean their teeth
Stock your cupboard with foods that will clean their teeth. Eating crunchy, raw vegetable , like carrots, apples and celery help stimulate saliva production which in turn protects teeth. The crunchiness also help remove plaque and food debris from teeth.
See your dentist regularly!

For more information, you can contact Dr Jennifer Collins and her team at Northumberland Dental Care on 016688441 or book online at www.nidm.ie
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