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Are you not sleeping well? You may have sleep apnoea!

Writer: Dr Jennifer CollinsDr Jennifer Collins

Updated: May 21, 2020

Another Night of Bad Sleep? You May Have Obstructive Sleep Apnoea or (OSA).

Do you have a problem getting quality sleep every night? Maybe you wake up feeling poorly, even after getting what you thought was a full night’s rest. Many people who’ve long suffered from unsatisfying sleep are often surprised when they finally get a diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a condition defined be periods of cessation of breathing during the night while you sleep. You literally stop breathing to the point that your body reacts with a panic response that wakes you, disrupting your sleep cycle. You may gasp or choke as you wake, and this may occur multiple times through the night. Sleep apnoea sufferers may have up to hundreds of apnea events during the course of one night—yet have no memory of waking.

There are three types of sleep apnoea, but the most common is obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA).

Central sleep apnoea occurs when your brain fails to send the proper signals to maintain breathing, but OSA is caused by physical factors, which can be corrected.

OSA occurs when the throat muscles relax to the point that the airway becomes obstructed by the soft tissues of the throat. When the airway narrows or closes, you cannot intake an adequate breath and your blood oxygenation levels drop. When this happens, the brain sends a distress signal to wake you and reopen the airway. Often this awakening is so very brief that patients may have no memory of the event. This process may repeat 5-30 times per hour, continuing all throughout the night .A common warning sign of sleep apnoea is loud snoring, but how can you tell if your snoring also includes the cessation of breathing?

Common Symptoms/Signs of possible obstructive sleep apnoea include:

1) Feeling tired, even after a full night’s rest

2) Snoring

3) Morning headache

4) Waking with a sore throat or dry mouth

5 )Difficulty staying asleep (insomnia)

6) Difficulty concentrating

7) Sleepiness during the day

8) Depression

9) Irritability

Partners may even notice you gasping or stop breathing in the night, if they are awake when you are sleeping.

Risk Factors;

Sleep apnoea can affect anyone, and even children may be diagnosed with the condition. However, there are a number of factors that may increase your risk of having sleep apnoea:

*Being overweight

*Being male

*A family history of apnoea

*Neck circumference of 43 centimeters (men) or 38 centimeters (women) or more

*A narrow airway, sometimes due to chronically swollen tonsils or adenoids

*Nasal congestion, due to an anatomical problem or allergies

*Use of alcohol or sedatives


*Use of alcohol and other sedatives

What You Should Do if You Suspect OSA

he only way to know for certain whether your snoring also includes the cessation of breathing is to see a doctor and arrange for a sleep study. During a sleep study, you will be monitored and studied while you sleep. Your vitals, including breathing and blood oxygenation levels will be carefully measured to determine whether you suffer from apnoea and which form of apnoea is the cause.

Scientists don’t fully understand the mechanisms by which sleep repairs and restores our body—but we do know that undisturbed sleep is necessary for good health. When you are constantly waking in the night, you do not get adequate REM sleep and your body and brain simply doesn’t function right. Cognitive symptoms include an inability to focus or concentrate, and daytime sleepiness. If you have to perform repetitive tasks with heavy machinery or driving, your body may experience short periods of “microsleep” to compensate for the lack of sleep. It is now believed that many accidents have been caused by a person falling into a state of semi-sleep and not being aware of it. Beyond microsleep, apnoea leads to a number of serious medical health conditions. When you are not breathing properly, your blood does not get enough oxygen, which can affect all your vital organ systems. People with sleep apnoea are more likely to develop:

  • Type 2 diabetes

  • High blood pressure

  • High cholesterol levels

  • Obesity

  • Liver disease

  • Heart attack

What a Dentist Can Do for You

If you have mild to moderate OSA—or even just snoring—a dentist can provide you with an oral appliance that helps keep the airway open while you sleep. With very slight changes to the placement of the jaw, an oral appliance can adjust how your soft tissues are positioned and encourage the airway to stay unobstructed.

The most common medical approach to sleep apnoea is the use of a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine. This system uses a face mask to deliver a continuous gust of oxygen that keeps the airway open when you sleep.

However, this device does not always work for everyone, as it can be hard to adjust to or may not be compatible with your natural body position when you are sleeping.

If you have a snoring condition or have been diagnosed with OSA, talk to Dr Collins or ring her on 016688441 or email on to learn more about sleep solutions. #dentalcareireland#northumberlanddentalcare#oralhygiene#sugar#sugarytreats#toothbrushing#flouride#sweets#dentist#dentistdublin#dentistdublin4#diet#healthydiet#gumdisease#gingivitis#periodontitis #sleep #sleepapnoea

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