We've all been there, even as a dentist!
You go in, hoping and secretly praying that all is ok, and then you get those dreaded words form your dentist " you need a filling" !

Well, fret not my friends . Modern day dentistry means that fillings can be completed in a painlessly and efficient manner restoring your tooth back to health .
Most teeth that need fillings, require a local anaesthetic.
This involves the administering of an aesthetic material using a syringe and a thin needle . This anaesthetic takes several minutes to kick in. When the tooth is numb, the dentist is remove the dental decay and prepare the tooth fir the filling. Most fillings are completed using tooth coloured filling materials called composite, glass ionomer or a compomer.

Occasionally a silver (amalgam) fillings may be used. The bonded fillings adhere to the tooth using a bonding system, which acts like a glue. Because of this, a dry surface is necessary to facilitate an effective bond. This is the reason why many dentist will use a rubber dam and will use cotton rolls and strong suction to ensure a dry surface.
Composite and compomers are set by using a curing light for a short amount of time. After the filling is placed, the filling is adjusted for size and the bite (occlusion) is checked.

Teeth are often sensitive for up to 2 weeks after a filling is placed and sensodyne toothpaste rubbed in the tooth, may help this. Dental anesthetic takes usually 2-4 hours to wear off.
Due to the Covid-19 crisis, your dentist may war a gown and special respirator masks during your filling apt.
For more information, contact Dr Jennifer Collins at Northumberland Dental Care, 58 Northumberland Rd, Dublin 4 , book online at www.nidm.ie or call her team at 016688441
#tooth #filling #amalgam #composite #dentalaesthetics#covid-19