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Does Homemade Toothpaste Actually Work?
Before toothpaste was produced commercially by large corporations like Colgate or GSK, people used to make their own version of...
Dr Jennifer Collins
Mar 19, 20211 min read

How much toothpaste do I use for a child?
Many children are overdoing it on the toothpaste a new study is reporting. Lots of parents are unwittingly squeezing potentially...
Dr Jennifer Collins
Nov 11, 20192 min read

Does charcoal toothpaste work?
New research published last week in the British Dental Journal as confirmed that there is no scientific research that charcoal toothpaste...
Dr Jennifer Collins
May 30, 20193 min read

Charcoal toothpaste, is it worth all the hype?
Charcoal toothpastes are a recent addition to the oral healthcare market and has seen a boom in popularity thanks to social media. Users...
Dr Jennifer Collins
Mar 4, 20183 min read
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